Wayuu religion

¨Los wayúu son de donde son sus antepasados y sus antepasados nacen del viento del nordeste y la Diosa de las Lluvias»

La organización mágico religiosa de los wayuu se divide en dos sucesos fundamentales: los sueños y los acontecimientos de sus divinidades.

Los sueños en la religión wayuu

When a Wayuu wakes up, the first thing he does is write down his dreams. For the Wayuu they are the space for conversation with the subconscious and their ancestors. Consideran que su propio alma o un familiar fallecido (Yojula) está intentando darle un mensaje importante. Yojula es la forma en la que se convierte el alma de un familiar fallecido después de su segundo velorio, donde llega a la Tierra de Jepira (tierra de los muertos).

En dichos sueños su familiar puede alertarle o aconsejar sobre el futuro. Por un sueño se toman desiciones importantes como cambiar de destino, emprender nuevos proyectos, dejar de lado energÍas o costumbres.

To certain dreams they attribute meanings like:

  • Climb a mountain or bathe in the sea indicates reaching old age.
  • Dreaming of green snakes it means it is the perfect season to harvest beans.
  • being bitten by a dog se atribuye a un conflicto con el clan Jayaliyuu cuyo animal simbolico en su tótem es un can.
  • dream that a tooth falls out symbolizes the death of a family member.
  • Muchas de las historias que las mujeres plasmas en sus mochilas wayuu son representaciones oníricas.

Shamans (Ouutsu) son las personas intermediarias que ayudan en la comunicación entre los espíritus y su comunidad. La mayoría son mujeres y además de interpretar dichos sueños, tienen el gran papel de sanadoras.

Divinidades en la religion wayuu

The divinities are those spiritual beings that generate the events of nature and daily life. Everything has a sense and meaning.

Within cosmology the main deities are:

  • Maleiwa is the central figure of the wayuu religion. Tradition says that he was born from a woman pregnant by thunder. Thus, es el Dios encargado de enviar la lluvia a las tierras aridas de la Guajira.
  • Pulowi y Juya, son semidioses y es una pareja casada associated with procreation and life.
  • Pulowi es la figura y fuerza femenina relacionada con la sequía y los vientos. Esta divinidad está asociada al caos del mar y tierra. Su presencia se puede apreciar cuando el mar está enfurecido o el monte es tupido y enmarañado.
  • Juya es la figura masculida relacionado la lluvia, la fuerza de la vida.
  • Wanülu is the evil spirit de enfermedad y muerte. Es es ser sobrenatural del que todos los wayuu intenta huir.

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"The Wayúu are where their ancestors are from and their ancestors are born from the northeast wind and the Goddess of the Rains" Guanipa, Wayuu word.

The magical-religious organization of the Wayuu is divided into two fundamental events: the dreams and events of their divinities.


When a Wayuu wakes up, the first thing he does is write down his dreams. For the Wayuu they are the space for conversation with the subconscious and their ancestors. They feel that a deceased family member or their own soul is trying to give them an important message.

In these dreams, your family member can alert you or advise you about the future. Because of a dream important decisions are made such as changing your destination, undertaking new projects or putting aside energy or customs.

To certain dreams they attribute meanings like:

  • Climb a mountain or bathe in the sea indicates reaching old age.
  • Dreaming of green snakes it means it is the perfect season to harvest beans.
  • being bitten by a dog It is attributed to a conflict with the Jayaliyuu clan, whose symbolic animal on their totem pole is a dog.
  • dream that a tooth falls out symbolizes the death of a family member.

Shamans (Ouutsu) They are the intermediary people who help in the communication between the spirits and their community. In addition to interpreting these dreams, they have the great role of healers.


The divinities are those spiritual beings that generate the events of nature and daily life. Everything has a sense and meaning.

Within cosmology the main deities are:

  • Maleiwa is the central figure of the wayuu religion. Tradition says that he was born from a woman pregnant by thunder. Thus, He is the god in charge of sending the rain to the arid lands of La Guajira.
  • Pulowi and Juya they are demigods and they are a married couple associated with procreation and life.
  • Pulowi is the female figure and strength related to drought and winds. This divinity is associated with the chaos of the sea and the earth. Its presence can be appreciated when the sea is enraged or the bush is thick and tangled.
  • Juya is the male figure Related to rain and the force of life.
  • Wanülu is the evil spirit of sickness and death. It is the supernatural being from which all the Wayuu try to flee.

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